Posts tagged with "JESUS"

GNOSIS & MYSTERIOUS · 18. February 2019
The Holy Bloodline of Jesus is the theory that Jesus Christ had a natural child with Mary Magdalene which was then taken to France, either during Magdalene's pregnancy or as a young child, and whose blood descendants in later centuries founded the Merovingian dynasty of the early kings of France
GNOSIS & MYSTERIOUS · 07. February 2019
Chapter 55: Sex, Lies, And Fairy Tales What is the civilization-shattering secret Rex Deus apparently protects? As Rex Deus’s theory goes, Jesus was removed from the cross still alive. Gnostics proclaim that Jesus then married Mary Magdalene, and they begat at least two children. Mary allegedly scuttled one child to France, and he settled in the area of Rennes Le Chateau, home of the Cathars, Merovingians, Essenes, Alains, Rex Deus, and Templars, the rebellious epicenter most of the heretical,.

GNOSIS & MYSTERIOUS · 06. February 2019
The First Christ: Jesheua-12 (J-12) Reintegration of the Races into & Restoration of Sphere of Amenti (12 BC – 22 AD) The Azurite Council knew that in order for the races to be prepared for the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD, the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti must be restored by realigning the Portions of the Sphere trapped within the D-2 Earth morphogenetic field. The Alcyone morphogenetic fields of Templar Melchizedeks and those that received the Templar-Axion Seal during Akhenaton’s rei