Posts tagged with "UNIVERSE"

ASCENSION & Lightworkers · 27. March 2019
If you are in your head… you are in “the matrix” Reclaiming your Divine Feminine Energy will get you back into your loving heart and FREE you from “the matrix”! There are many excellent and brilliantly researched articles and videos about ‘the matrix” by very informed individuals. We all owe SO MUCH to each of these beautiful and courageous Souls who are Spiritual Warriors. One of the components I often (or always) find missing are the elements of feeling and healing how you have been wounded
GNOSIS & MYSTERIOUS · 18. February 2019
The Holy Bloodline of Jesus is the theory that Jesus Christ had a natural child with Mary Magdalene which was then taken to France, either during Magdalene's pregnancy or as a young child, and whose blood descendants in later centuries founded the Merovingian dynasty of the early kings of France

BASHAR · 15. February 2019
Part 3 - How FEAR can serve you The Uniqueness of Each Incarnation Abundance Unified Society The Meaning of Life, and The Purpose of Existence Judgment and Preference Love, Guilt, and Hate Co-Creating an Experience Personality Time Actual Belief? or what you think you Believe?
BASHAR · 14. February 2019
Part 2 - TOPICS: Visualization - how to do it effectively Shifting between Parallel Realities Handling challenging situations Feelings & Beliefs Neutral Props Follow your excitement! Finding your "Purpose" in Life Trusting your Timing Positive Synchronicity All beliefs are equally valid. Making it Easy to Change your Beliefs The PRESENT is not the result of the PAST

BASHAR · 12. February 2019
Bashar is a male member of a 5th dimensional civilization called the Essassani. This is an "informal" "unofficial" concentrated summary by Iasos of some of the core concepts of Bashar, based on listening to innumerable recordings of his talks, and also reading his two books "Quest for Truth" and "Bashar: Blueprint for Change". The entire Essassani civilization is based on unconditional love, ecstasy, fun, following your excitement, being totally non-judgmental, and giving validity and equality t
BASHAR · 11. February 2019
The 5 Universal Laws are the fundamental laws that create and build our reality. Understanding these laws can provide a great deal of use and comfort during your work as a conscious creator. I hope you enjoy learning about them as much as I have!

BASHAR · 10. February 2019
Basically these symbols allows the brain to rewire itself so it can function in accord with the shapes viewed so you can function more holistically about the cosmos, your self and ALL that Is. However you may decide to view up to 3 times a day, no more than 15 minutes so that you can give the brain the ability to assimilate. This fits the best absorption rate and alteration of circuitry. If you do more, you could lose the effects. See these symbols as an individual being and facilitator promot
GNOSIS & MYSTERIOUS · 10. February 2019
The Illusion of Time and Space “It is you who are moving, not time. Time has no movement. There is only One Moment.” ~ Bashar ~ Like a lot of things about this reality we experience, linear time is simply a very convincing illusion. It is an illusion created by consciousness. In fact, so is “space”. Closely related to the idea of “time” is the notion of “linear causality” — A causes B causes C. This notion is also just a very convincing illusion. ....

GNOSIS & MYSTERIOUS · 06. February 2019
The First Christ: Jesheua-12 (J-12) Reintegration of the Races into & Restoration of Sphere of Amenti (12 BC – 22 AD) The Azurite Council knew that in order for the races to be prepared for the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD, the integrity of the Sphere of Amenti must be restored by realigning the Portions of the Sphere trapped within the D-2 Earth morphogenetic field. The Alcyone morphogenetic fields of Templar Melchizedeks and those that received the Templar-Axion Seal during Akhenaton’s rei
GNOSIS & MYSTERIOUS · 29. November 2018
"There is a band of women present on this earth who are carrying flaming torches for the evolution of humanity. These women are rare, unique, highly-crafted jewels of the ancient feminine spirit. These women possess more courage, resilience and perseverance than is fathomable. These women have silently walked through thousands upon thousands of years to find themselves back here on earth, charged with the task of re-awakening the deep feminine soul to humanity and earth. Emerging one by one from